Lease ImagePro® Halo skin imaging device for as low as $287 per month with no prepayment penalty. Also, receive unlimited training during the warranty period.

Why the ImagePro® Halo?
ImagePro® Halo uses high-resolution 3D technology and four wavelengths of visible light to reveal the true state of a client’s skin health. With a self-cleaning capture station and a retractable hood, the ImagePro® Halo accurately evaluates skin concerns and generates a customized “shopping cart”.
ImagePro® HALO Features & Benefits
All Skin Imaging Systems include these ImagePro® Benefits
Visible Results
Analyze the skin in detail and compare with the average for the client’s age group with the ImagePro® Halo

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What Providers Say About ImagePro® Halo
Estimated Return On Investment
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To give you every advantage we can, we’ve pulled out all the stops. Here are just a few of our advantages.