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Summer Skin Imaging & Upsell Opportunities for Aesthetic Professionals

A before and after image of a woman’s face: one side with dark, sun damaged skin and the other clearer

After one of the busiest summers in recent years, people are returning home with happy memories and lovely tans. But they may have unexpected souvenirs of their vacation too—deeper wrinkles, mottled skin, and new blemishes. 

For med spa owners, dermatologists, and other skin care professionals, a busy summer season boils down to one thing: opportunity.

Emage Skin Imaging Cameras Create Upsell Opportunities

Summer and skin go hand in hand, but where there’s sun, there’s also hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, dehydrated faces, and various other signs and symptoms of photoaging. 

As they return home from summer fun, your regular customers may request one or two touch-up appointments. But what if you could give them a clearer picture of their skin’s health after a beach vacation or hiking trip?

A bathroom mirror can only get your patients so far. By contrast, our Image Pro® line of skin imaging cameras provides stunning detail. 

Armed with an exhaustive skin analysis, your patients can fully understand what needs to be done for ultimate skin health. That’s where your regular services come in. 

What Can Image Pro® Skin Imaging Systems Reveal? 

At Emage Medical®, we’ve engineered our skin imaging cameras to look closer than ever before. Equipped with intense magnification, high-resolution 3D technology, and full spectrum skin imaging wavelengths, our Image Pro® lineup leaves no stone unturned. 

Here’s a small list of what you can reveal with Image Pro® skin imaging cameras:

  • Skin depth
  • Skin texture
  • Skin grain
  • Pore size
  • Hydration levels
  • Sun damage
  • Dyschromia analysis
  • Vascularity
  • Skin age
  • Inflammation
  • Sebum & porphyrins
  • Wrinkles & potential wrinkles
  • Surface, epidermal, & dermal pigment
  • More

Problem Meets Solution – Pairing Aesthetic Treatments with Skin Imaging 

At Emage Medical®, our skin imaging cameras come pre-programmed with the latest medical imaging software. After each consultation session, your Image Pro® will create a list of recommended treatments, featuring options from your current service menu. 

Patients can use QR-code technology to access their analysis from their smartphones, leaving them with a “shopping list” of services that can improve their specific issues.

Here are just a few skin issues and treatment pairings that your Image Pro® can suggest to patients.

Dehydrated Skin

Dry, cracked, crepey skin can become a chronic concern for some patients. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of widely accepted and popular aesthetic treatments that maximize both ROI and patient satisfaction.

Once your Image Pro® detects dehydration at numerous skin depths, it may recommend any of the following treatments you already offer:

Excess Sebum & Acne

There’s a fine line between oily skin and plump, reactive skin. Excess sebum production not only contributes to an unflattering sheen, it naturally compromises skin health and encourages outbreaks as well.

After analyzing the concentration of sebum & porphyrins on your patient’s skin, Image Pro® may recommend:

  • Intense Pulsed Light therapy (IPL)
  • Chemical Peels
  • Hydradermabrasion
  • Broadband Light Therapy (BBL)
  • Microdermabrasion

Hyperpigmentation & Blemishes

While a freckle here or there may not rankle your average patient, a dark liver spot or age spot certainly draws attention. Image Pro® skin imaging cameras use normal, polarized, and UV light to reveal the smallest discolorations. 

After recommending a treatment, your Image Pro® uses smart facial recognition technology to welcome a patient back while demonstrating the difference your treatments made since their last visit.

For blemishes, your Image Pro® can recommend:

  • Microneedling & RF Microneedling
  • Intense Pulsed Light therapy (IPL)
  • Laser Skin Resurfacing
  • Fractional Laser Resurfacing
  • LED Light Therapy

Existing & Developing Fine Lines/Wrinkles

Tackling wrinkles is the make-or-break moment of any aesthetic treatment. Patients are seldom more delighted than they are when noticing a frown line or smile line fade away. Image Pro® skin imaging cameras don’t just detect existing wrinkles—they notice developing fine lines and suggest ways to prevent them.

Patients can cut wrinkles off at the pass by choosing from your current lineup of anti-aging treatments, including:

Make Summer Fun Work For Your Aesthetic Practice with Emage Skin Imaging Systems

With detailed insights about their skin health and numerous options for correcting imperfections, your patients will feel seen and treated at your practice like never before. Increase ROI, patient satisfaction, and word of mouth by going deeper to offer more with Image Pro® skin imaging systems today!

To learn more about our Image Pro® lineup, or to explore financing options and the best warranty in the business, give us a call today at (704) 412-3152 or contact us online. With unlimited 1:1 training during the warranty period and no charges for upgrades or yearly licensing fees, Image Pro® skin imaging cameras deliver time and time again.

Leverage Summer Fun for Increased ROI & Patient Satisfaction!

Summer is an opportunity for patients and providers alike. To reveal hidden skin damage, catch wrinkles before they form, and shrink pores to the delight of your patients, check out our Image Pro® skin imaging cameras today! For a hydradermabrasion system and microdermabrasion machine in one easy-to-use package, check out our CytoPeel®. And for a leading microneedling pen, learn more about our CytoPen®. For more information about financing, call us at (704) 412-3152 or contact us online. 

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